Friday, October 9, 2009

7th October tat day

This year unlike last 3 years no one wished me...
This year got ppl wish me...
So quite hapi la...

Besides tat, my mum and sis planned and did something tat day for me( i mean in skul)... + hapi
thks wz(bring cake in) , k (take cake come)...

I felt very ......
coz I din wish some friends when they birthday... but they stil wished me...
so a bit bit guo4 yi4 bu4 qu4....

then gt 2 ppl asked me wan present nt.. i said no... coz dk wan wat..

Then today after skul, dad called... he sang me a happy birthday song.. a bit shocked.. XDD

After many ppl wished, stil got 2ppl i expect them to wish.. they din...

then 2 become 1... coz one wish dy..XP
the another 1.... i kept waiting... tot he say wun wish is juz a joke...
After 12am... stil din wish.. a bit kecewa..
but then after tat, he wished me and plus something...
Although already after my birthday, but stil in heart I am HHAapppyyy.. XDXD haha
pun lai wan to "FXCX" him le... =.= mana tau.... after he wish n plus sumthing the next day, i wan to "KXSX" him...

actually 6th Oct, i tot celebrate dy.. ate kfc during lunch time.. (rare chance to do so) then in my mind.. ntg wil happen le the next day... then stil sumthing happened.. -.-

I got a bit shy when the cake is carried to my table.. hate myself being shy!!
then happy birthday song was sang.. but stop and sing and stop and sing.. like pause and play..
=.= tat time recess le..sum ppl dun giv face, run out.. but for those for stay and giv me face, i rmb.. those run out de, i dun rmb them le.. haha

At nite a bit late slip, about 11.30pm coz stil waiting msg...
then receive tiok another wishing msg b4 slip..

Slept with a smile on my face...
but in heart tat time stil thinkin why some friend dw to wish..
dw how to talk out gua... hmm... nvm... i oso din wish them.. sobz
Heart and mind stirred... a bit beh syiok.. but stil try make myself stop thinking and sleep.. X)